The Employee Lifecycle Management Formula - HTM2DP

They Know The Literal Formula For Success!

HTM2DP - The Employee Lifecycle Management FORMULA!

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This is the information needed to enhance your management skillset! Explore and ingest, this will be well worth your efforts.

Unlock the Power of Employee Success with HTM2DP

The Future of Employee Lifecycle Management

Transform Your Organization with HTM2DP

HTM2DP is the comprehensive, people-first framework designed to optimize business outcomes and revolutionize the way you manage talent from hire to promotion. Developed over 25 years, HTM2DP fosters continuous growth, engagement, and long-term success for both employees and organizations.

For just $399, you will receive everything you need to implement this leading-edge system:

Detailed Framework Guides

  • The 6 Stages of HTM2DP - 2025 Whitepaper: Detailed information that helps you understand the proven sequence of Hire, Train, Motivate, Maintain, Develop, and Promote.
  • The "ManageFesto" 2025 Implementation Guide: The core of the system. A leading-edge methodology that will empower your organization.
  • Cultural Fitness Score 2025 Implementation Guide: Actionable steps for integrating the Cultural Fitness Score into your hiring and evaluation processes.

Workplace Education Tools & Glossary

This visually concise wall poster brings the HTM2DP methodology to life, simplifying the six stages and humanizing the employee journey, while the glossary ensures undrstanding of terminology crucial to the entire process.

Certification Testing Outline

Test your team's knowledge on the HTM2DP framework.

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HTM2DP knowledge base

What is HTM2DP?

HTM2DP represents a contemporary, systematically structured methodology for employee lifecycle management, emphasizing continuous growth and alignment with organizational objectives. It aims to create a workforce characterized by high levels of engagement and productivity, fostering long-term commitment to organizational success.

The acronym HTM2DP stands for Hire, Train, Motivate, Maintain, Develop, Promote. Each stage builds upon the previous one to create a sustainable and efficient system for employee management. The ultimate goal is to foster employee engagement and guide employees from entry-level to top performers or leaders within the organization. Discover how "The Management FORMULA" can be an indispensable tool as you advance your management career.

Download the Job Aid

Access 6 powerful resources to transform how you manage your team. Whether you're an HR manager, business owner, or senior leader, embrace a modern, forward-thinking approach to employee lifecycle management.

The Job Aid You Need To Succeed!

High Resolution Digital Download - Ready To Print.
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High Resolution, Printable, Digital Downloads PLUS Audio Book (MP3), that explains the HTM2DP Management Formula across 5 placards PLUS an additional wall poster.

HTM2DP The Management Formula - AUDIO BOOK
  • Full ENGLISH narration of the methodology guide, 2025 Edition.
  • Explains in great detail each stage of the process in easy to understand terms.
  • Includes EXTRA and valuable information about real-world implementation not available for free on the website.

Printable JOB AID set, plus Wall Poster - includes information not available for free on the website.

  • Illustrates the HTM2DP employee lifecycle management formula.
  • Explains each stage of the process in easy to understand terms.
  • Provide a quick reference to people managers who need to focus on what is important.
  • Explains the "why" behind each stage in the process.
  • Explains how to develop a custom Cultural Fitness Score (CFS) for use during the hiring stage.
  • Explains the CFS scoring system and how to use it to help determine candidate viability.

employee lifecycle management tools

Employee Management Poster

There is no course at any price on any campus that teaches you the single unifying formula for success managing the employee lifecycle and yet this very formula is used by some of the most successful managers in Fortune 100 companies. HTM2DP is the management truth and the only methodology effective in any vertical at any level. To manage like a winner you need to know the FORMULA. Level up, adapt and win with HTM2DP!
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Anonymized Reviews

Insights into the effectiveness of the management formula in the real world.

ELM management book review

Becca Allen (PHR)

Avon Inc.

Simplistic points that I never thought were part of being a good manager, I pretty much thought some of this was HR and didn't concern me. If you just got promoted these handouts give you a starting foundation as to what you need for you to develop as a real people manager. So simple and to the point.

management book testimonial

Name Withheld

HR Professional

Printed the qref for my management class. I have no desire to become a manager as I already work in Human Resources and see a lot of the issues that make me not want to deal with it, but this was insightful. Will be very helpful in the future when I'm running an HR org. Worth the price. Laminate them, frame them and hang them like I did. 

female manager review, social proof

Name Withheld


As a seasoned manager, I found that this poster was indeed accurate and beneficial for first-time managers. However, it can be even more useful for existing managers, as it provides enough valuable information to help remove many bad habits that hinder effectiveness. Using HTM2DP can be a great asset to any business, since using it is much more effective and more efficient. How not to waste my time and energy is what I learned and that has helped me be a more positive leader.

woman in management

A. Jonas (CISM, CISA)


Purely focused. This is legit like SCRUM Guide but for managers. This is one of those things that you knew parts of but you didn't put the pieces together correctly and this simple printable aid laser focuses on the TRUTH - this highlights the importance of making proper choices.

management tips

Janet Q.

General Manager

Great insight and refresher to anyone in management or HR. Timeless for anyone who desires to become successful in their management mission or who needs to understand the reasoning behind the HOW-TO part. Kudos to the authors in making this "Formula" available.

senior managment techniques

Stephan McGhee


An immense help for me despite already having been a manager for several years. With the help of this tool I am now able to concentrate on what I need to do in every case to manage an effective team as opposed to the once disorganized one that I kept having to backfill. I strongly recommend this job aid. Three things that can change everything for you and your understanding.

State Of The global workplace 2023-2024

PROBLEMS - The Gallup Report

The Gallup Organization polled over 122,000 employee's for their yearly report and tabulated the data. Here are some notable results that speak to the need for more functional methodology like HTM2DP.

 " .., changing how we manage people is critical " -Jon Clifton | CEO, Gallup

Global GDP


Gallup estimates low employee engagement costs the global economy 8 .9 trillion U .S . dollars, or 9% of global GDP


The amount of employees who self report actively sabotaging their workplace.

Poor Management


Managers account for 70% of the variance in team employee engagement
Planning To Leave


Employees who self report they will leave their existing job as soon as an opportunity presents itself or another source of employment is found.

HTM2DP -VS- The State Of The Global Workforce!

Two podcast host tackle the BLOCKBUSTER 2024 report on the global state of the workplace (from the Gallup Organization), get into the HTM2DP literature and come up with some interesting thoughts concerning the methodology as well as some additional and very interesting thoughts on how a shift is possible through the use of the HTM2DP framework.

About The Methodology

Designed to produce the outcomes modern managers seek and modern business demands!

Developed by a highly experienced and successful manager starting at the turn of the Millennium and continuously refined in organizations both large and small since, the stages of the HTM2DP method are deeply interdependent, each building upon the previous one to create a coherent, efficient, and sustainable system for employee management through engagement. 

The failure to respect the logical order of these stages has been observed to create an organizational environment where employees are underprepared, disengaged, and unable to contribute optimally to the businesses mission. Skipping or rearranging formula steps disrupts systematic development, leading to cascading failures. Common examples would be promoting without developing, which leads to unqualified individuals in leadership roles, while attempting to maintain an unmotivated employee only results in unsustainable short-term performance spikes. As a consequence, the entire employee lifecycle is destabilized, resulting in a higher likelihood of turnover, diminished employee satisfaction, and the need to restart the process from the beginning, incurring significant costs and operational inefficiencies. This has been observed world-wide in ALL verticals and likely by you in your own experiences.

Maintaining the integrity of this sequential framework and following this simplistic but effective methodology ensures that each phase supports the next, creating a sustainable, high-performing organizational structure where employees are consistently aligned with both their individual capabilities and organizational goals. Learning the formula and following its underlying methods greatly increase your chances of success in management and in business.


FACTS: The Gallup organization examined data from over 122,416 workers and found that “Poor management leads to lost customers and lost profits, it also leads to miserable lives,”. They estimated that disengagement in the workplace costs the global economy $8.9 TRILLION DOLLARS! Besides the US deficit, that is the largest amount of money you have ever heard of.


Here are the top 50 management books that did nothing to change the truth you learned in the paragraph above. 50. On Becoming a Leader By Warren G. Bennis (Basic Books, 1989) 49. Financial Intelligence By Karen Berman and Joe Knight (Harvard Business Review Press, 2006) 48. Swim with the Sharks without Being Eaten Alive By Harvey B. Mackay (Harper Business, 2005) 47. When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long Term Capital Management By Roger Lowenstein (Random House Trade, 2001) 46. Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by being Remarkable By Seth Godin (Portfolio Hardcover, 2003) 45. Growing a Business By Paul Hawken (Simon and Shuster, 1988) 44. The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies By Michael Watkins (Harvard Business Review Press, 2013) 43. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity By David Allen (Penguin Books, 2002) 42. Leadership and Self Deception By Arbinger Institute (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2002) 41. What Management Is By Joan Magretta (Free Press, 2002) 40. The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Business Don't Work and What to Do about It By Michael E. Gerber (Harper Business, 1995) 39. My Years with General Motors By Alfred Sloan Jr. (Crown Business, 1963) 38. Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the Industrial Enterprise By Alfred D. Chandler (MIT Press, 1962) 37. The Principles of Scientific Management By Frederick Winslow Taylor (Cosimo Classics, first printing 1911) 36. The Functions of the Executive By Chester I. Barnard (Harvard University Press, 1971) 35. Blue Ocean Strategy By W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne (Harvard Business Press, 2005) 34. Focal Point By Brian Tracy (American Management Association, 2004) 33. The One Minute Manager By Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson (William Morrow, 1981)  32. The Art of Strategy By R. L. Wing (W.W. Norton and Company, 1991) 31. Jack: Straight from the Gut By Jack Welch (Warner Books, 2005) 30. The Essays of Warren Buffett By Warren Buffett and Lawrence A. Cunningham (Cardozo Law Review, 2001) 29. Business Model Generation By Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur (self published in 2009) 28. Competition Demystified By Bruce Greenwald and Judd Kahn (Penguin Publishing Group, 2007) 27. The Innovator's Dilemma By Clayton M. Christensen (Harper Paperbacks, 2003) 26. Turn The Ship Around By L. David Marquet (Portfolio, 2013) 25. The Effective Executive By Peter Drucker (Harper Business, 2006) 24. Six Thinking Hats: An Essential Approach to Business Management (Revised and Updated) By Edward De Bono (Back Bay Books, 1999) 23. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team By Patrick Lencioni (Jossey-Bass, 2002) 22. The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action By Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton (Harvard Business School Press, 1999) 21. Now, Discover Your Strengths By Marcus Buckingham and Donald O Clifton (Free Press, 2001) 20. First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently By Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman (Simon and Shuster, 1999)  19. The Great Game of Business: The Only Sensible Way to Run a Company (Revised, 20th Anniversary) By Jack Stack (Crown Business, 2013)  18. The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement (Revised, 30th Anniversary) By Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox (North River Press, 2012) 17. The Circle of Innovation By Tom Peters (Vintage 1999; first published 1997) 16. Toyota Production System By Taiichi Ohno (Productivity Press, 1988) 15. Out of the Crisis By W. Edwards Deming (MIT-CAES, 1982) 14. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don't By James C. Collins (Harper Collins, 2001) 13. Competing for the Future By Gary Hamel, C. K. Prahalad (Harvard Business School Press, 1994) 12. The Essential Drucker By Peter F. Drucker (Harper Business, 2001) 11. The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail By Clayton M. Christensen (Harvard Business School Press, 1997) 10. The Six Sigma Way By Peter S. Pande et al, Robert P. Neuman, Roland R. Cavanagh (McGraw Hill, 2000) 9. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change By Stephen R. Covey (Simon and Shuster, 1990) 8. Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Technology Products to Mainstream Customers By Geoffrey A. Moore, Regis McKenna (Harper Business, 1999) 7. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance By Michael E. Porter (Free Press, 1998) 6. Re-engineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution By Michael Hammer, James A. Champy (Harper Collins, 1993) 5. Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies By James C. Collins, Jerry I. Porras (Harper Collins, 1994) 4. In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies By Thomas Peters and Robert H. Waterman (Harper Collins, 1982) 3. Strength Finder 2.0 By Tom Rath (Gallup Press, 2007) 2. Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices By Peter Drucker (Harper Business, 1993; first published in 1985)  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People By Dale Carnegie (originally published in 1936. Current edition paperback, Pocket Books)

As a People-Centric approach HTM2DP focuses on your employees as people, not just resources which is a popular theme in most other ELM frameworks. With this modern method, that actually builds Diversity, Equity and Inclusion into the ELM, you can build stronger engagement, reduce employee turnover, and foster genuine loyalty. Most of all you can do this while improving the quality of the work experience for all involved. The framework features a seamless integration with all known other methods including Agile and Lean since HTM2DP can be implemented in a way that you customize for your specific situation. We encourage your organization to employ a proven, step-by-step framework developed over 25 years and used by its developers in both Government and Private Sectors (Fortune 500) in order to ensures your organization is equipped to grow and succeed along with your employees. Real Results based on what has actually happened instead of the same old regurgitated theories that were simply instituted instead of tested in the real world by real managers. With HTM2DP, you’ll see measurable improvements in performance, satisfaction, and retention because you will be measuring, collecting and taking action based on your data, all while creating a workplace culture that attracts performers and retains top talent.

What Can HTM2DP Do For You?

This formula prescribes a sequence that supports a methodology designed to address the following issues and topics:

    • Employee / Personnel Management

    • Training Employees

    • Employee Motivation

    • Employee Retention

    • Employee Development

    • Career Development

    • The Promotion Process

    • Organizational Success

    • Why employee training is important

    • Steps in employee development

    • How to motivate employees effectively

    • Employee promotion strategies

    • Best practices for employee retention

    • Steps to build a strong employee lifecycle

    • Sequence of employee training and development

    • Employee motivation and productivity

    • Why skipping employee training causes failure

    • Employee onboarding

    • Workforce development

    • Career progression in the workplace

    • Building a strong organizational culture

    • Organizational performance management

    • Employee satisfaction

    • HR strategies for growth

    • Improve employee performance

    • Enhance employee retention

    • Create an effective hiring strategy

    • Build employee skills

    • Develop high-potential employees

    • Training programs for remote employees

    • Employee retention in healthcare

    • Workforce development in manufacturing

    • Motivating employees in service industries

A Comparative Analysis of HTM2DP vs. Traditional Employee Lifecycle Management (ELM)

In evaluating the relative merits of HTM2DP versus traditional Employee Lifecycle Management (ELM) models, we observe fundamental differences in their approach to managing the employee experience. The comparison highlights the strengths and potential weaknesses of each methodology, offering insights into which approach may be better suited to modern organizations seeking to optimize employee engagement, retention, and long-term success.

1. Approach to Hiring: Skills Verification Testing and Organizational Cultural Fit vs. Pedigree and Demographics

  • HTM2DP: Places significant emphasis on skills verification and hiring candidates whose whose values, beliefs, and behaviors align with the organizational culture. This prioritization of cultural fit not only reduces turnover but also fosters stronger engagement and collaboration from the outset.
  • Traditional ELM: Places significant emphasis on educational pedigree, demographics¹ and societal constructs² (primarily: 1. Gender, 2. Race) which has been proven as inferior in support of high performance business outcomes.

Specifically, HTM2DP’s focus on cultural fit is advantageous in creating long-term employee engagement and reducing turnover. In contrast, traditional ELM’s emphasis on academic credentials and demographics may yield short-term skill alignment but risks long-term disengagement if cultural compatibility is not sufficiently considered or skills gaps are never addressed. Therefore, HTM2DP is more effective at building sustainable, cohesive teams.

2. Learning and Development: Continuous vs. Limited Training

  • HTM2DP: Advocates for ongoing, continuous learning throughout the employee lifecycle. This includes not only job-specific skills but also leadership training, cultural orientation, and the development of soft skills. It fosters a growth mindset and adaptability among employees.
  • Traditional ELM: Typically offers training opportunities limited to onboarding or compliance. This approach can stagnate employee growth, as it often does not encourage continuous learning or broadening of skill sets beyond immediate job requirements.

HTM2DP’s continuous learning model ensures that employees remain adaptable and engaged in their professional development, which is essential in a rapidly changing work environment. Traditional ELM's more static approach to training, which often focuses on immediate needs, can lead to disengagement and missed opportunities for employee growth. Thus, HTM2DP is superior in fostering long-term employee development and motivation.

3. Motivation: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Factors

  • HTM2DP: Recognizes that true employee motivation stems from intrinsic factors such as a sense of purpose, autonomy, and recognition. By cultivating an environment that empowers employees and aligns their work with their personal values, HTM2DP enhances motivation and long-term engagement.
  • Traditional ELM: Relies heavily on extrinsic demotivators and motivators, such as wage-setting practices, bonuses, and promotions. While these external rewards can drive short-term performance, they often fail to sustain employee motivation and can contribute to burnout when intrinsic satisfaction is not cultivated.

HTM2DP’s focus on intrinsic motivation is far more sustainable and beneficial for long-term engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction. Traditional ELM’s reliance on extrinsic rewards for example, while important, does not create the same deep connection to the work itself, potentially leading to dissatisfaction over time. Therefore, HTM2DP is more effective in building a motivated and committed workforce.

4. Engagement and Well-being: Proactive vs. Reactive Strategies

  • HTM2DP: Emphasizes proactive engagement strategies, including regular check-ins, feedback loops, and continuous performance reviews. This approach allows for early identification and resolution of issues that may lead to disengagement or burnout.
  • Traditional ELM: Often employs a reactive strategy, addressing employee dissatisfaction or disengagement only after issues arise, such as during exit interviews or when turnover becomes a problem. This lag can allow issues to fester, leading to higher turnover rates and other manifestations.

HTM2DP’s proactive approach allows for the timely resolution of issues, ensuring that employees feel valued and supported throughout their tenure. Traditional ELM’s reactive model risks allowing dissatisfaction to escalate, ultimately harming employee morale and retention. In this regard, HTM2DP clearly outperforms traditional models in maintaining employee engagement and well-being.

5. Career Pathways: Clear vs. Undefined Progression

  • HTM2DP: Provides employees with clear and structured career pathways, offering both vertical and horizontal growth opportunities. This approach encourages employees to invest in their long-term development and fosters a deeper commitment to the organization.
  • Traditional ELM: Often lacks clearly defined career paths, leaving employees uncertain about opportunities for advancement. This can result in frustration and a sense of stagnation, particularly among high-potential employees who seek growth but perceive no clear trajectory within the company.

HTM2DP’s clear career development model provides employees with a sense of direction and purpose, enhancing job satisfaction and retention. Traditional ELM’s more ambiguous career pathways can lead to frustration and disengagement, particularly among employees who are motivated by professional growth. As such, HTM2DP is more effective in retaining and developing talent.

6. Internal Mobility: Promote from Within vs. External Hiring

  • HTM2DP: Advocates for promoting from within, leveraging the organization’s existing talent pool for senior roles. This not only reinforces employee loyalty but also preserves institutional knowledge and cultivates a culture of growth.
  • Traditional ELM: Tends to prioritize external hires for senior positions, which can undermine employee morale and lead to a loss of institutional knowledge. This approach can also create a perception of limited opportunities for internal advancement.

HTM2DP’s emphasis on promoting from within strengthens employee loyalty and organizational culture, providing clear incentives for long-term commitment. Traditional ELM’s preference for external hires can demotivate employees and hinder the retention of valuable institutional knowledge. As a result, HTM2DP is more effective at fostering loyalty and retaining key talent.

7. Managerial Role: Active vs. Administrative Involvement

  • HTM2DP: Emphasizes the active involvement of managers in all stages of the employee lifecycle, from recruitment to ongoing development. Managers are seen as key enablers of engagement and growth, modeling behavior and offering continuous support.
  • Traditional ELM: Often relegates managers to administrative or evaluative roles, limiting their ability to actively influence employee development and engagement.

HTM2DP’s model, which places managers at the heart of employee development, ensures a more personalized and supportive approach to employee growth. Traditional ELM’s limited managerial involvement may lead to disengaged managers and, by extension, disengaged employees. Therefore, HTM2DP’s managerial model is more effective in fostering a positive work environment and employee success.

Conclusion: Which Approach is Better?

  • HTM2DP: The HTM2DP methodology supports higher performance through diversity and a more holistic, forward-thinking approach to Employee Lifecycle Management. By focusing on continuous development, intrinsic motivation, proactive engagement, and clear career paths, HTM2DP creates an environment where employees are not only engaged and satisfied but also empowered to grow within the organization. Its emphasis on cultural fit, promoting from within, and managerial involvement fosters a cohesive, loyal workforce that is aligned with organizational goals.

  • Traditional ELM: While traditional ELM models may offer short-term benefits in terms of skills alignment and straightforward recruitment processes, they often fail to create an environment conducive to long-term employee satisfaction and development. Their reactive approach to engagement, limited focus on cultural alignment, and reliance on extrinsic rewards can lead to disengagement and higher turnover rates.

Ultimately, HTM2DP is better suited for organizations aiming to cultivate a motivated, engaged, and loyal workforce, while traditional ELM models may suffice for organizations with less emphasis on long-term development and engagement strategies. For modern organizations facing the challenges of talent retention and dynamic market conditions, HTM2DP offers a far more robust framework for optimizing the employee experience.

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